Welcome to infinEd

Educational consultancy, Instructional design, eLearning, and in-house specialty courses

Who are we?

infinEd is a consultancy company that specialises in educational development and instructional design. Our services range from advising on educational products through to developing full-scale educational programs. We have expertise in education event management and facilitation, and executive coaching for leaders and managers in educational settings.

What can infinEd do for you?

Whether you’re a small business, an educational institution, or a not-for-profit organisation, infinEd understands your specific training and development needs. We’re here to provide you with a full suite of educational consultancy and instructional design services, freeing you up to focus on your core business activities.

Drawing on our comprehensive knowledge and skills in education design, development and implementation, along with our network of subject matter experts, infinEd is your partner in lifelong learning.