Webinar Facilitiation

Need to host a webinar, webconference or other online event? infinEd is here to help.

Workshop Facilitiation

infinEd can provide a range of services for planning and facilitating in-person workshops for your organisation.

Grounded theory

infinEd also offers in-house grounded theory workshops and webinars.


infinEd can work with you to host online webinars. Whether a one-off for a handful of people, or a series for hundreds of attendees, we’ll take care of everything so you can focus on presenting.

We can:

  • Work with you to plan your outcomes

  • Collect registrations

  • Help you structure and schedule your webinars

  • Prepare interactive activities

  • Develop evaluations and gather feedback

  • Edit, host and sell recordings

If you’re thinking about hosting a webinar or series of webinars, contact us to find out how we can help you.


infinEd can help you plan, deliver and evaluate
in-person events.

We can:

  • Work with you to plan your outcomes

  • Collect registrations

  • Help you structure and schedule the event

  • Organise facilities and catering

  • Prepare handouts and materials

  • Develop evaluations and gather feedback

If you’re thinking about hosting an event, contact us to find out how we can help you.